Waterford Township EMS

911 Transport and EMS Services

Waterford Twp. EMS Solutions offers state-of-the-art 911 basic life support (BLS) ground solutions with ambulances, Certified EMTs, and  CPR Certified First Responders. We bring decades of EMS experience with a track record of building strong bonds with our customers and community healthcare partners.

We share our technology and data with partners for the utmost transparency which leads to seamless service all within the HIPPA regulations. While meeting highly stringent clinical response time requirements, our teams remain nimble in delivering peak performance 911 ambulance services required in the EMS systems. Additionally, Waterford Twp. EMS’s offerings can be customized to meet the special needs of patients. Our mandate in all markets: deliver innovative and effective emergency healthcare with efficiency and compassion.

Waterford Twp. EMS demonstrates on a daily basis that it is a high-quality, reliable, innovative, and cost-efficient EMS provider. We have a reputation for working closely with local medical directors and EMS authorities to develop successful quality management programs – regardless of size.